A concern regarding paint quality might come up when evaluating Reborn artists. We want to assure you that we dedicate the same time and techniques to all of our dolls. We would love for you to adopt one of our babies but also would like to point out that there are many fantastic Reborn painters with a variety of amazing styles. We believe that when adopting, it is most important to choose a baby that speaks to your heart.
Priority shipping is usually 2-3 days within U.S. from our location.
You should be expecting your package arrival to be fully insured with carrier and a signature being required.
Vinyl is a synthetic smooth and firm material that produces a sturdy baby with a high possibility of pose-ability and a body that can be therapeutically fluffed, stuffed, and weighted in all the right places.
Our Collectors want more than just a display doll. Plenty of photography sessions, fashion moments, and therapeutic time are also essential qualities... And don't forget about doll collecting! Our Chrysalis Family of collectors love adopting babies. We want to remain in a price range that helps collectors build their collections. Comparable silicone dolls range in price several times higher than our vinyl ones, making them 3 to 4 times more expensive.
So, why are our babies vinyl and not silicone?
More Poseable
More Therapeutic
More Affordable
*Full transparency, we love all doll art and some of the best examples are silicone. Depending on the collector and situation, silicone is sometimes a better fit than vinyl.
They are very close siblings. Reborns were first and are a baby sculpted by an artist. Realborns followed and are a 3-D scan of a real baby. And yes, a Realborn is considered a type of Reborn, but not in reverse.
Prototype: Before a Reborn edition is available, the sculptor chooses a few artists to paint a prototype. The pictures from these babies are then used on the COA and serve as examples. The number of prototypes available for each edition is a handful or less.
Endless: As the name implies, an endless edition has no plans to be discontinued. While it is true that many endless editions continue to be made, others have had production halted.
Limited and SOLE: A Limited Edition has a set number to be produced. Once a Limited Edition is no longer available, it becomes a Sold Out Limited Edition. Edition sizes vary from a few hundred to several thousand. Occasionally, a SOLE is brought back to production as a non-numbered endless edition.
Hyperrealism takes time. Each baby requires forty or more paint hours. At the same time, we respect how hard you work too. That is why we are committed to pricing our Reborns responsibly.
Currently, Realborns start at just $895 and Reborns begin under 1K too at $995.
Keep an eye out, we sometimes have weekend and holiday sales.
Also, we occasionally have a Chrysalis Cuddle Baby available and they currently start at only $595.